The school bell is about to ring. Be ready and take the school year

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

HS and college students are getting ready to begin another school year soon. 

Athletes everywhere are getting their pre-school sprints in to avoid the coaches wrath on the first day of Fall workouts. 

New year. New challenges and new action plan to kick grass in the classroom and on the field.  Make a commitment to take your words and thoughts to real actions this year:

1. This will be the semester your sleep patterns will be an asset not a liability to your studying and sports. 

2. This will be the semester you will eat like a champion and fuel your brain and body to reach new peaks.

3. This will be the semester you will take back some of the 1440 minutes a day you waste on your phone connecting with mindless facts and faceless friends. 

4. This will be the semester that you just don't do enough but do what's needed to be the best. 

5.  This will be the semester that your coaches, teammates and professors see a different look,different strut and different aura coming from you. 

6.  This will be the semester that praying and wishing for better results in the classroom and on the field is replaced by a daily dose of journal writing and mental skills training;

(see previous blog topics and strategies and  do it daily)!

7.  This will be the semester that you will FOPO

( f...k other people's opinion) the critics and negative people around you  and smile and laugh more than ever before. 

8. This will be the semester that everyone else's expectations of how great you are become your own beliefs. 

The bell just rung. Go be!
